Acupuncture for relief from pain
​Sometimes its just about relief from aches and pains.
When you can't get on with life because of pain and discomfort acupuncture can make a world of difference.
Patients seeking acupuncture for coping with pain make up a significant percentage of people visiting City Spring.
​All practitioners at City Spring have undergone extensive training in acupuncture, which includes anatomy and physiology and disease mechanisms from a western medical perspective so you are in safe and experienced hands
Acupuncture works well for
Chronic low back pain
Tension type headaches
Neck pain (even if long term)
Knee pain (Arthritic)
Effective relief​
More and more research shows that acupuncture remains a relevant option when it comes to finding relief from pain in many of its guises.
For a list of conditions and the relative efficacy of acupuncture here is downloadable PDF from the World Health Organisation.